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Found 23617 results for any of the keywords international union. Time 0.007 seconds.
IUGG International Union of Geodesy and GeophysicsTHE IUGG The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) is the international organization dedicated to advancing, promoting, and communicating knowledge of the Earth system, its space environment, and
AMERICAN HERITAGEAmerican History Lives Here at American Heritage. Browse 7,000 trusted articles from 72 years of publication, info on 4,000 historic sites, and much more!
The Local Credit Union | Serving the Middle ClassTHE LOCAL prides itself in offering all financial products that banks and mega-credit union’s offer – but at reasonable rates to encourage thrift among our members.
Our History | American Federation of School AdministratorsFrom Association to International Union A Look at AFSA’s Beginnings For 50 years AFSA has been providing a powerful network of support and service to administrators and supervisors. It is important to acknowledge the tir
Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Design | Conference Series | Internation25th International Conference on
Start - I.U.C.C. International UNION for Counteraction of CriminalityWillkommen bei der IUCC – Internationale Vereinigung zur Entgegenwirken der Kriminalität, - Schwachstellenanalyse, Geschäftsabsicherung international, Firmen und Personenermittlung, internationale Begleitungen bei Ihren
(IUCr) International Union of CrystallographyThe IUCr is an International Scientific Union. Its objectives are to promote international cooperation in crystallography and to contribute to all aspects of crystallography, to promote international publication of cryst
Toxicology Conferences 2023 | Environmental Toxicology Conference 202323rd World Conference on Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology Conference will be held during July 10-11, 2023 at Toronto, Canada
(IUCr) Statutes and By-Laws(a) to promote international cooperation in crystallography;
(IUCr) Executive SecretariatThe Chief Executive Officer of the IUCr (Dr A.M. Stanley) may be contacted at:
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